Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Visibility vs. Invisibility

Soderman refers to an interesting dialectic: “visibility vs. invisibility.” Soderman argues that women and “casual games” are becoming more and more visible in mainstream culture. Yet, I am not convinced that visibility is as “good” as Soderman suggests. Scholars have argued that patriarchy stems from the privilege of invisibility. That white men can go unnoticed in society, without demarcation, is a testament to their power over women and people of other races (ie. “It’s not easy being green.”). You can also see how visibility might have an inverse relationship with freedom. If you are invisible, then you cannot be “captured” or even “mapped.” In my mind, the push for representation by women in games is an attempt to assert themselves in an already existent structure of male hegemony.

Oh, and Diner Dash sounds ridiculous.

Also, what is the difference between kitsch and cliché?

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