Thursday, March 4, 2010

Friday 11am section, Matt G

In response to Manovich:
The idea of navigable space in relation to Doom and Myst plays off of our innate desire as humans to experience that which we cannot experience in the confines of our normal, daily lives. While this is understandable and valid, I have a hard time making distinctions between the interactive experiences we have while playing a video game versus the "real" experiences of our non-digitized lives.

If you think about it, everything that we do is a product of our creativity and cognitive ability (video game or not). The architects and curators of museums play a similar if not identical role to the designers of video games. Both groups of people have the intention of creating an experience that will be of value to the user, based on their product's ability to attract the attention of the viewer through original stimulation. Museums do not contain typical household items, just like the interactive worlds of Myst and Doom are not meant to mimic the user's neighborhood and daily routine. Whether you agree with this or not, both the museum and the video game are products of creativity and can only be comprised of what their planners can imagine. Therefore, the user's experience is subject to the same limiting factors and constraints in design, which makes the two forums innately similar.

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